Downloads a nf-core pipeline to the local file system., registry, address, absolute_URI, out_path, singularity_command, error_msg)

Bases: Exception

A class of errors related to pulling containers with Singularity/Apptainer

undefined ImageExistsError(error_log)

Bases: FileExistsError

Image already exists in cache/output directory.

undefined ImageNotFoundError(error_log)

Bases: FileNotFoundError

The image can not be found in the registry

undefined InvalidTagError(error_log)

Bases: AttributeError

Image and registry are valid, but the (version) tag is not

undefined OtherError(error_log)

Bases: RuntimeError

Undefined error with the container

undefined RegistryNotFoundError(error_log)

Bases: ConnectionRefusedError

The specified registry does not resolve to a valid IP address

Bases: RuntimeError

A custom exception that is raised when nf-core download encounters a problem that we already took into consideration. In this case, we do not want to print the traceback, but give the user some concise, helpful feedback instead.*columns: str | ProgressColumn, console: Console | None = None, auto_refresh: bool = True, refresh_per_second: float = 10, speed_estimate_period: float = 30.0, transient: bool = False, redirect_stdout: bool = True, redirect_stderr: bool = True, get_time: Callable[[], float] | None = None, disable: bool = False, expand: bool = False)

Bases: Progress

Custom Progress bar class, allowing us to have two progress bars with different columns / layouts.


Get a number of renderables for the progress display., revision=None, outdir=None, compress_type=None, force=False, tower=False, download_configuration=None, container_system=None, container_library=None, container_cache_utilisation=None, container_cache_index=None, parallel_downloads=4)

Bases: object

Downloads a nf-core workflow from GitHub to the local file system.

Can also download its Singularity container image if required.

  • Parameters:
    • pipeline (str) – A nf-core pipeline name.
    • revision (List*[str]*) – The workflow revision to download, like 1.0. Defaults to None.
    • container (bool) – Flag, if the Singularity container should be downloaded as well. Defaults to False.
    • tower (bool) – Flag, to customize the download for Nextflow Tower (convert to git bare repo). Defaults to False.
    • outdir (str) – Path to the local download directory. Defaults to None.


Take the downloaded files and make a compressed .tar.gz archive.


Downloads the centralised config profiles from nf-core/configs to self.outdir.

download_wf_files(revision, wf_sha, download_url)

Downloads workflow files from GitHub to the self.outdir.


Starts a nf-core workflow download.


Downloads a nf-core workflow from GitHub to the local file system in a self-contained manner.


Create a bare-cloned git repository of the workflow, so it can be launched with tw launch as file:/ pipeline


Find container image names for workflow.

Starts by using nextflow config to pull out any process.container declarations. This works for DSL1. It should return a simple string with resolved logic, but not always, e.g. not for differentialabundance 1.2.0

Second, we look for DSL2 containers. These can’t be found with nextflow config at the time of writing, so we scrape the pipeline files. This returns raw matches that will likely need to be cleaned.


Find specified revision / branch hash


Loop through container names and download Singularity images


Helper function that takes a list of container images (URLs and Docker URIs), eliminates all Docker URIs for which also a URL is contained and returns the cleaned and also deduplicated list.

Conceptually, this works like so:

Everything after the last Slash should be identical, e.g. “scanpy

.7.2–pyhdfd78af_0” in [‘–pyhdfd78af\_0’, ‘biocontainers/scanpy

re.sub(‘.*/(.*)’,’1’,c) will drop everything up to the last slash from c (container_id)

d.get(k:=re.sub(‘.*/(.*)’,’1’,c),’’) assigns the truncated string to k (key) and gets the corresponding value from the dict if present or else defaults to “”.

If the regex pattern matches, the original container_id will be assigned to the dict with the k key. r”^$|(?!^http)” matches an empty string (we didn’t have it in the dict yet and want to keep it in either case) or any string that does not start with http. Because if our current dict value already starts with http, we want to keep it and not replace with with whatever we have now (which might be the Docker URI).

A regex that matches http, r”^$|^http” could thus be used to prioritize the Docker URIs over http Downloads


Ask user if we should compress the downloaded files


Prompt for inclusion of institutional configurations


Prompt whether to download container images or not


Prompt for the pipeline name if not set with a flag


Prompt for pipeline revision / branch Prompt user for revision tag if ‘–revision’ was not set If –tower is specified, allow to select multiple revisions Also the static download allows for multiple revisions, but we do not prompt this option interactively.


Prompt about using $NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR if not already set


Prompt about the index of a remote $NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR


Ask if we should only use $NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR without copying into target


Reads the file specified as index for the remote Singularity cache dir


Helper function to rectify the raw extracted container matches into fully qualified container names. If multiple containers are found, any prefixed with http for direct download is prioritized

Example syntax:

Early DSL2: : if (workflow.containerEngine == ‘singularity’ && !params.singularity_pull_docker_container) { : container “

} else { : container “

Later DSL2: : container “${ workflow.containerEngine == ‘singularity’ && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ? : ‘

.11.9–0’ : ‘biocontainers/fastqc
.11.9–0’ }”

Later DSL2, variable is being used: : container “{ workflow.containerEngine == ‘singularity’ && !task.ext.singularity\_pull\_docker\_container ? : “<>/{container_id}” : “${container_id}” }”
container_id = ‘mulled-v2-1fa26d1ce03c295fe2fdcf85831a92fbcbd7e8c2

DSL1 / Special case DSL2: : container “nfcore/cellranger


singularity_copy_cache_image(container, out_path, cache_path)

Copy Singularity image from NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR to target folder.

singularity_download_image(container, out_path, cache_path, progress)

Download a singularity image from the web.

Use native Python to download the file.

  • Parameters:
    • container (str) – A pipeline’s container name. Usually it is of similar format to
    • out_path (str) – The final target output path
    • cache_path (str*,* None) – The NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR path if set, None if not
    • progress (Progress) – Rich progress bar instance to add tasks to.


Check Singularity cache for image, copy to destination folder if found.

  • Parameters: container (str) – A pipeline’s container name. Can be direct download URL or a Docker Hub repository ID.
  • Returns: Returns True if we have the image in the target location. : Returns a download path if not.
  • Return type: results (bool, str)

singularity_pull_image(container, out_path, cache_path, library, progress)

Pull a singularity image using singularity pull

Attempt to use a local installation of singularity to pull the image.

  • Parameters:
    • container (str) – A pipeline’s container name. Usually it is of similar format to nfcore/name:version.
    • library (list of str) – A list of libraries to try for pulling the image.
  • Raises: Various exceptions possible from subprocess execution of Singularity.


Edit the downloaded nextflow.config file to use the local config files, revision, commit, location=None, hide_progress=False, in_cache=True)

Bases: SyncedRepo

An object to store details about a locally cached workflow repository.

Important Attributes: : fullname: The full name of the repository, nf-core/{self.pipelinename}. local_repo_dir (str): The local directory, where the workflow is cloned into. Defaults to $HOME/.cache/nf-core/nf-core/{self.pipeline}.




Checks out the repository at the requested commit

  • Parameters: commit (str) – Git SHA of the commit


Get all branches from a remote repository

  • Parameters: remote_url (str) – The git url to the remote repository
  • Returns: All branches found in the remote
  • Return type: (set[str])


setup_local_repo(remote, location=None, in_cache=True)

Sets up the local git repository. If the repository has been cloned previously, it returns a git.Repo object of that clone. Otherwise it tries to clone the repository from the provided remote URL and returns a git.Repo of the new clone.

  • Parameters:
    • remote (str) – git url of remote
    • location (Path) – location where the clone should be created/cached.
    • in_cache (bool*,* optional) – Whether to clone the repository from the cache. Defaults to False.

Sets self.repo


Function to delete all tags and branches that are not of interest to the downloader. This allows a clutter-free experience in Tower. The untagged commits are evidently still available.

However, due to local caching, the downloader might also want access to revisions that had been deleted before. In that case, don’t bother with re-adding the tags and rather download anew from Github.